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May 26, 2017
Sequence of Juno Spacecraft’s Close Approach to Jupiter


This sequence of enhanced-color images shows how quickly the viewing geometry changes for NASA’s Juno spacecraft as it swoops by Jupiter. The images were obtained by JunoCam.

Once every 53 days the Juno spacecraft swings close to Jupiter, speeding over its clouds. In just two hours, the spacecraft travels from a perch over Jupiter’s north pole through its closest approach (perijove), then passes over the south pole on its way back out. This sequence shows 14 enhanced-color images.

The first image on the left shows the entire half-lit globe of Jupiter, with the north pole approximately in the center. As the spacecraft gets closer to Jupiter, the horizon moves in and the range of visible latitudes shrinks. The third and fourth images in this sequence show the north polar region rotating away from our view while a band of wavy clouds at northern mid-latitudes comes into view. By the fifth image of the sequence the band of turbulent clouds is nicely centered in the image. The seventh and eighth images were taken just before the spacecraft was at its closest point to Jupiter, near Jupiter’s equator. Even though these two pictures were taken just four minutes apart, the view is changing quickly.

As the spacecraft crossed into the southern hemisphere, the bright “south tropical zone” dominates the ninth, 10th and 11th images. The white ovals in a feature nicknamed Jupiter’s “String of Pearls” are visible in the 12th and 13th images. In the 14th image Juno views Jupiter’s south poles.

Image Credit: NASA/SWRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt/Seán Doran
Last Updated: May 26, 2017
Editor: Sarah Loff




左の最初の画像は、北極がほぼ中央にあり、木星の半球全体を示しています。ジュノーが木星に近づくにつれて、水平線が動いて見える範囲の緯度は狭くなっていきます。この3番目と4番目の画像は、北極圏が視界から離れて回転しているのに対し、北半球の中緯度域では波状の雲の帯が見えてきます。5番目の画像では、乱れた雲の帯がちょうど画像の中央に来ています。 7番目と8番目の画像は、探査機が木星の赤道付近で木星に最も近い地点に到達する直前に撮影されたものです。この2枚の画像はわずか4分間隔で撮影されましたが、画像はすでに変化していました。



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