Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/GSFC/Harvard
This graphic of Jupiter’s magnetic field was created from measurements obtained by NASA’s Juno spacecraft during its first close pass to the planet. As Juno passed much closer to Jupiter’s surface than any previous spacecraft, scientists found a “lumpy” magnetic field that is stronger in some places and weaker in others. Juno’s orbital track is illustrated with the black curve. The broad color contours that cover the entire planet represent the magnetic field magnitude on Jupiter’s surface based on pre-existing models. The localized patches of magnetic sources arranged near Juno’s trajectory illustrate the small-scale spatial variations in the internal magnetic field first observed by Juno. This representation is discussed further in the Juno special issue of Geophysics Research Letters. Juno’s 32 mapping orbits, equally spread about the planet in longitude, will eventually bring Jupiter’s magnetic field into sharp focus.
この木星の磁場の図は、NASAのジュノー探査機が最初に木星に近づいた際に観測した結果から作成されたものです。 ジュノーが以前の探査機よりも木星の表面に接近したため、科学者たちは、ある場所では強く、他の場所では弱い「塊状の」磁場を発見しました。 ジュノーのとった軌道は黒い曲線で描かれています。 木星全体色の輪郭は、既存のモデルに基づいた木星表面の磁場の強さを表します。 ジュノーの軌道の近くに見えている磁場の源になっている部分は、ジュノーによって最初に観察された内部磁場の小規模な空間的な変化を示しています。 この現象については、地球物理学研究誌のジュノー特集号でさらに詳細に議論しています。ジュノーによる32の軌道から木星全体を見渡し、最終的には木星の磁場に鋭い焦点を当てルことができました。
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SWRI
The complexity and richness of Jupiter’s “southern lights” (also known as auroras) are on display in this animation of false-color maps from NASA’s Juno spacecraft. Auroras result when energetic electrons from the magnetosphere crash into the molecular hydrogen in the Jovian upper atmosphere. The data for this animation were obtained by Juno’s Ultraviolet Spectrograph. The images are centered on the south pole and extend to latitudes of 50 degrees south. Each frame of the animation includes data from 30 consecutive Juno spins (about 15 minutes), just after the spacecraft’s fifth close approach to Jupiter on February 2, 2017. The eight frames of the animation cover the period from 13:40 to 15:40 UTC at Juno. During that time, the spacecraft was receding from 35,000 miles to 153,900 miles (56,300 kilometers to 247,600 kilometers) above the aurora; this large change in distance accounts for the increasing fuzziness of the features. Jupiter’s prime meridian is toward the bottom, and longitudes increase counterclockwise from there. The sun was located near the bottom at the start of the animation, but was off to the right by the end of the two-hour period. The red coloring of some of the features indicates that those emissions came from deeper in Jupiter’s atmosphere; green and white indicate emissions from higher up in the atmosphere.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SWRI
A still from the animation of Jupiter’s southern lights.
Interplanetary dust hit NASA’s Juno spacecraft at high speeds while Juno was en route to Jupiter, as illustrated by this artist’s concept. In this illustration, the interplanetary dust particle is impacting the dark side of one of Juno’s three solar arrays. These particles are tiny — a hundred would fit on the head of a pin — but they travel about 10 times faster than a speeding bullet. They pack enough energy to create a small crater, excavating small pieces of the spacecraft that reflect sunlight back to one of Juno’s four star cameras. By observing how these pieces travel against the stars in the background, scientists have traced them back to where they originated on the solar arrays. The star cameras record the impacts of many dust particles, allowing scientists to use Juno’s prodigious solar array (60 square meters or 600 square feet) as the biggest dust detector ever flown — by orders of magnitude. The Juno team has been able to characterize a population of interplanetary dust particles never before measured in space. This discovery is discussed further in the special issue of Geophysical Research Letters.
次回木星の最新探査結果 – 3 of 3について