The Story – Jupiter:謎の巨大ガス惑星「木星」
第10話 Jupiter(オリジナル英文URL)
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is a giant ball of gas 300 times more massive than earth. It’s five times farther from the Sun than we are. A year on Jupiter is twelve times longer than ours, but a Jovian day is only ten hours long. Darting around it are dozens of moons – some with geysers, volcanoes, or ice. And like the other gas giants – Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus – Jupiter has rings.
太陽系内の最大の惑星である木星は、地球の300倍の巨大な惑星です。地球と比較して太陽から5倍の距離に位置しています。木星の1年は地球の12倍ですが、木星の1日はわずか10時間です。木星の周囲には数十の衛星があります – いくつかの衛星には間欠泉、火山、または氷があります。他のガス巨大惑星(土星、海王星、天王星)と同様に、木星にはリングがあります。
Like the Sun, Jupiter is made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. But it’s so big that its enormous mass exerts tremendous inward pressure. The pressure squeezes the interior hydrogen so strongly that the gas turns into a liquid – a strange type of hydrogen that can even conduct electricity. This churning, conducting fluid is likely the engine behind Jupiter’s magnetic field, which is the largest and strongest in the solar system, except for the Sun’s.
木星は太陽のようにほぼ水素とヘリウムのみで出来ています。しかし、木星が非常に大きいので、その巨大な質量が大きな内圧をかけることになります。内部の水素に非常に強大な圧力がかかるのでガスが液体に変化します – 電気を通すことさえできる奇妙なタイプの水素になるのです。この特殊で不可思議な導電性流体は、太陽を除けば太陽系内で最大かつ最強の磁場である木星の磁場の発生源になっている可能性が高いと考えられます。
Jupiter formed when gas and dust – left over from the formation of the sun – collected into a large sphere. The ball of gas was so massive that its own gravity caused it to contract – and four and a half billion years later, Jupiter is still shrinking.
As Jupiter contracts, all the matter inside squishes against itself and churns, causing friction and heat. As the warmer material deep inside rises, some of Jupiter’s contents are partially mixed up in the process. Eventually, the heat is released into space. In fact, Jupiter radiates more heat than it absorbs from the Sun.
The stirring motion of Jupiter’s hot interior also generates its magnetic field. This magnetic field creates a huge bubble of electrically charged gas called the magnetosphere. The magnetosphere is so large that it would look as big as the moon if it were visible in the night sky.
As Jupiter spins – at a brisk rate of once every 10 hours – it drags its magnetic field around with it, which creates strong electric currents. Earth has a similar feature – a ring of charged particles called the Van Allen Belt – but at a much smaller scale. Because the charged particles in Jupiter’s belt fly around extremely fast, this region is filled with radiation that can destroy a spacecraft.
木星が10時間に1回の速いスピードで回転するので、磁力線を周囲に引きずり、強い電流を作り出します。地球にも同様の – ヴァンアレン帯と呼ばれる荷電粒子のリングがありますが、はるかに小さいスケールです。木星の荷電粒子帯は非常に速く移動するため、この領域では探査機を破壊する可能性のある放射線で満たされています。
Armed with an arsenal of scientific instruments, Juno will explore four main aspects of Jupiter: its origin, interior, atmosphere, and magnetosphere.
第1話 Origin:太陽系の成り立ちと木星のもつ意味 最初に戻ります。
第9話 The Story – Orbit:感動のジュノー木星軌道到達! 前話に戻ります。
第11話(最終話)The Story – Deorbit:ジュノーの壮絶な最後 に続きます。