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This artist’s concept of lightning distribution in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere incorporates a JunoCam image with artistic embellishments. Data from NASA’s Juno mission indicates that most of the lightning activity on Jupiter is near its poles.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/JunoCam



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Ever since NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft flew past Jupiter in March, 1979, scientists have wondered about the origin of Jupiter’s lightning. That encounter confirmed the existence of Jovian lightning, which had been theorized for centuries. But when the venerable explorer hurtled by, the data showed that the lightning-associated radio signals didn’t match the details of the radio signals produced by lightning here at Earth.
1979年3月にNASAの木星探査機Voyager 1号が木星を通過した際に科学者たちは木星の雷が発生するメカニズムを解明できずに謎のまま現在に至っています。木星の稲妻の存在を確認はしても、理論的に解明することができなかったのです。ところが老朽化し​​探査機に雷が落ちた際に、稲妻の発する放射電波が地球上の雷による電波と一致しないことがわかったのです。

In a new paper published in Nature today, scientists from NASA’s Juno mission describe the ways in which lightning on Jupiter is actually analogous to Earth’s lightning. Although, in some ways, the two types of lightning are polar opposites.

“No matter what planet you’re on, lightning bolts act like radio transmitters — sending out radio waves when they flash across a sky,” said Shannon Brown of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, a Juno scientist and lead author of the paper. “But until Juno, all the lightning signals recorded by spacecraft [Voyagers 1 and 2, Galileo, Cassini] were limited to either visual detections or from the kilohertz range of the radio spectrum, despite a search for signals in the megahertz range. Many theories were offered up to explain it, but no one theory could ever get traction as the answer.”
ネイチャー誌への寄稿者でもあり、カリフォルニア州パサデナにあるNASAのJPLのシャノン・ブラウン氏は「どんな惑星の雷であっても、ラジオ放送局のように空中を伝播する電波を発信するものです。」と語りました。「しかし、探査機ジュノー以前では、探査機(Voyagers 1号と2号、ガリレオ、カッシーニ)で記録されたすべての雷の信号は、メガヘルツの範囲の信号を受信していたにもかかわらず、画像や電波で記録したのはキロヘルツ範囲に制限されていました。木星の雷を説明しようとする多くの理論が提出されましたが、いずれの理論も正解とする根拠を得ることができませんでした。

Enter Juno, which has been orbiting Jupiter since July 4, 2016. Among its suite of highly sensitive instruments is the Microwave Radiometer Instrument (MWR), which records emissions from the gas giant across a wide spectrum of frequencies.
2016年7月4日からジュノーは木星の周回軌道に入ることができています。ジュノーには非常に高感度の観測機器であるMWR(Microwave Radiometer Instrument)が搭載されています。

“In the data from our first eight flybys, Juno’s MWR detected 377 lightning discharges,” said Brown. “They were recorded in the megahertz as well as gigahertz range, which is what you can find with terrestrial lightning emissions. We think the reason we are the only ones who can see it is because Juno is flying closer to the lighting than ever before, and we are searching at a radio frequency that passes easily through Jupiter’s ionosphere.”
「すでに8回にわたる木星最接近時のデータからみるとジュノーのMWRは377回の雷放電を検出しています。 “これらの雷はメガヘルツとギガヘルツの周波数帯で記録されていました。これは地球上の雷放射によって観測されるものと同じです。その理由としては今のところ一つしかなく、それはジュノーがこれまで以上に木星に近づき木星の電離層を容易に通過してくる周波数を受信しているからです。

While the revelation showed how Jupiter lightning is similar to Earth’s, the new paper also notes that where these lightning bolts flash on each planet is actually quite different.

“Jupiter lightning distribution is inside out relative to Earth,” said Brown. “There is a lot of activity near Jupiter’s poles but none near the equator. You can ask anybody who lives in the tropics — this doesn’t hold true for our planet.”
「木星の雷の分布は地球に比べると内側にあります。」とブラウン氏は語ります。 「木星の極の近傍では多くの雷が生じていますが赤道の近くには雷は見当たりません。これは熱帯地方に住んでいる誰に聞いてもわかることです – これは私たちの地球では違っています。」

Why do lightning bolts congregate near the equator on Earth and near the poles on Jupiter? Follow the heat.

Earth’s derives the vast majority of its heat externally from solar radiation, courtesy of our Sun. Because our equator bears the brunt of this sunshine, warm moist air rises (through convection) more freely there, which fuels towering thunderstorms that produce lightning.

Jupiter’s orbit is five times farther from the Sun than Earth’s orbit, which means that the giant planet receives 25 times less sunlight than Earth. But even though Jupiter’s atmosphere derives the majority of its heat from within the planet itself, this doesn’t render the Sun’s rays irrelevant. They do provide some warmth, heating up Jupiter’s equator more than the poles — just as they heat up Earth. Scientists believe that this heating at Jupiter’s equator is just enough to create stability in the upper atmosphere, inhibiting the rise of warm air from within. The poles, which do not have this upper-level warmth and therefore no atmospheric stability, allow warm gases from Jupiter’s interior to rise, driving convection and therefore creating the ingredients for lightning.

“These findings could help to improve our understanding of the composition, circulation and energy flows on Jupiter,” said Brown. But another question looms. “Even though we see lightning near both poles, why is it mostly recorded at Jupiter’s north pole?”

In a second Juno lightning paper published today in Nature Astronomy, Ivana Kolmašová of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, and colleagues, present the largest database of lightning-generated low-frequency radio emissions around Jupiter (whistlers) to date. The data set of more than 1,600 signals, collected by Juno’s Waves instrument, is almost 10 times the number recorded by Voyager 1. Juno detected peak rates of four lightning strikes per second (similar to the rates observed in thunderstorms on Earth) which is six times higher than the peak values detected by Voyager 1.
科学雑誌ネイチャーで今日公開された2つ目の論文では、プラハのチェコ科学アカデミーのIvanaKolmašováらは、これまでに木星(ホイッスラー)の周りで発生した最大の雷の低周波電波放射のデータベースを提示しています。 ジュノー観測器で収集された1,600以上の信号のデータは、Voyager 1号によって記録された数の約10倍にもなります。ジュノーは、1秒あたり4回の落雷のピークレート(地球上の雷雨で観測されたレートと同様)であり、 Voyager 1号で検出されたピーク値よりも6倍高精度になります。

“These discoveries could only happen with Juno,” said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio. “Our unique orbit allows our spacecraft to fly closer to Jupiter than any other spacecraft in history, so the signal strength of what the planet is radiating out is a thousand times stronger. Also, our microwave and plasma wave instruments are state-of-the-art, allowing us to pick out even weak lightning signals from the cacophony of radio emissions from Jupiter. “
「これらの発見はジュノーだからできたのです。」とサン・アントニオのSouthwest Research Instituteのジュノー主任研究員Scott Bolton氏は語りました。 「私たちの探査機ジュノーの軌道は、歴史上他のどの探査機よりも木星に近づくことを可能にするので、木星が放射している信号強度は千倍強く受信することができます。また、私たちのマイクロ波やプラズマ波の観測機器は、最先端の技術であり、木星からの電波放射の微弱な稲妻信号でも取り出すことができます。 」

NASA’s Juno spacecraft will make its 13th science flyby over Jupiter’s mysterious cloud tops on July 16.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Juno is part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, which is managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The Microwave Radiometer instrument (MWR) was built by JPL. The Juno Waves instrument was provided by the University of Iowa. Lockheed Martin Space, Denver, built the spacecraft.

More information on Juno can be found at:https://www.nasa.gov/junohttps://www.missionjuno.swri.edu

More information about Jupiter can be found at:https://www.nasa.gov/jupiter

The public can follow the mission on Facebook and Twitter at:https://www.facebook.com/NASAJunohttps://www.twitter.com/NASAJuno

DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

JoAnna Wendel
NASA Headquarters, Washington

Richard Lewis
University of Iowa, Iowa City

Deb Schmid
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio


Last Updated: June 8, 2018
Editor: Tony Greicius

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