NASAの動画で見る木星と探査機ジュノーの全て 第2話【The Story – Our Solar System】

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The Story – Our Solar System:木星と太陽系

第2話:Our Solar System(オリジナル英文URL)


With the exception of the Sun, Jupiter is the most dominant object in the solar system. Because of its size and the fact that it was the first of the gas-giant planets to form, it has profoundly influenced the formation and evolution of all the other planets.

For example, Jupiter is the reason why there’s an asteroid belt – and not another planet – between it and Mars. Jupiter has also catapulted countless comets out to the edge of the solar system. Like a gatekeeper, Jupiter has safeguarded Earth from many comet impacts

The planets are the leftovers from the star-forming process, and Jupiter accounts for the bulk of that material – more – more than twice that of all the other planets combined. Its atmosphere – predominantly hydrogen and helium – is similar to the composition of the sun and other stars as well as the clouds of gas and dust in our galaxy.
太陽系に存在している惑星は星形成過程の結果生まれたものであり、木星はその大部分を占めています – 他のすべての惑星を組み合わせたものと比較しても2倍以上です。木星の大気 – 主に水素とヘリウム – は、銀河のガスや塵の雲として知られている太陽や他の惑星の構成物と同様です。

When the sun was born – when it accumulated enough mass for nuclear fusion to ignite – it generated a wind that blew away most of the gas and dust that still remained. The fact that Jupiter’s composition is similar to that of the original cloud suggests that it formed early on, before the wind could clear away that material.
太陽が生まれたとき – それが核融合のための十分な量に達したとき – 爆風でまだ残っていたガスとほこりのほとんどを吹き飛ばしました。木星の組成が元の雲と似ているという事実は、爆風で吹き飛ばされる前に木星が形成されていたことを示唆しています。

To give you an idea of how dominant Jupiter is, an alien observing our solar system through a telescope would see an average yellow star and Jupiter with three other large planets. Earth and the inner planets would appear merely as debris.



第1話 Origin:太陽系の成り立ちと木星のもつ意味に戻ります。

第3話 Mission:ミッションが解き明かす木星の謎に続きます。

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